UHF Background Services
The UHF service can be directly used for rapid customer development, obtaining tag data for inventory, etc.
Used by background services.
Focus output EPC
After checking, the EPC data that has been counted can be directly output to the focus of the cursor.
Focus output TID or User
After checking, the data displayed by the cursor focus is not TID or EPC
Prefix: add a prefix before each tag data
Suffix: add suffix after each tag data
Stop character: When the inventory is ended, the corresponding event or character is issued.
ASCII conversion
The data entered in ASCII Hex format will be converted to ASCII display at the focu
Long press continuous inventory: press and hold a key to start inventory, release to stop.
Custom Broadcast: It is used for the user App to accept the tag data sent by the broadcast, and the broadcast can be customized。
Custom broadcast Inetnt
EPC Intent key
TID Intent key
RSSI Intent key
Handle key configuration: deprecated
Last updated